Rules of Engagement

LancairLive! is overseen by the Lancair Owners & Builders Association and promotes the safe use of Lancair Aircraft through education, training and fostering communication between members. LancairLive! is a forum designed to bring the community expertise together so that we can all learn, fly, maintain, and share our passion for all things Lancair.

Forum Rules
  • 1. User names are “First Last”. This promotes community inclusion, and as a small community, LancairLive! is about creating a welcoming space where we know each other. Would you go to Air Venture or a Landing as “Skypilot3535”? Probably not.
  • 2. Be kind. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. You can disagree on issues, but be respectful.
  • 3. Keep discussion focused on Lancair-related, or GA topics. No politics, religion, race, etc. discussion allowed. This includes memes, links to articles that anger you, or diatribes about cause X affecting Y because you think we all think the same. Please find the forum that caters to those topics and keep it off LancairLive!
  • 4. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum staff, or other forum members, is not tolerated.
  • 5. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed. If you desire to be a sponsored vendor, please see that section of the rules.
  • 6. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary. Refer to Rule #1.
  • 7. Please refrain from posting images larger than 800x600. This is considerate to members with slow internet speeds, and keeps the forum looking tidy.
  • 8. Please be considerate in language you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not completely banned, just do not swear unnecessarily, and only use minor words.
  • 9. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it.
  • 10. Threads speculating about a crash before a preliminary NTSB report is released. Prior to report release, keep discussions centered around condolences and helping with community support. Once the report is released, keep safety discussion focused on how we can apply lessons learned forward to reduce future mishaps.
What happens if I break a rule?
Depending on the severity of the infraction, a different course of action may be taken, but the usual practice is as follows:
1st rule break (Minor offence)
  • Corrected, A PM may be sent, no further action taken
  • For a more serious offence, a warning will be issued, this is a mark against your name letting us know you have broken a rule
2nd rule break
  • Another warning
3rd rule break
  • On your 3rd warning, you will receive a temporary ban, the length of which will depend on the severity of the incident.
On another breach of rules:
  • After this it will be assumed you are unwilling to abide by LancairLive! ROEs, so you will receive a permanent ban, meaning you will never be able to participate in the forum again.
LancairLive! Moderators will not edit posts. If a post violates a ROE, it will be deleted and dealt with as posted above. If a thread is wandering away from the ROEs, a moderator may post directing participants to stay focused. If the thread departs controlled flight, expect the entire thread will be locked or deleted, depending on how fast the sink rate was.[/list]

If you have an issue with a moderator action, please PM them directly. Do not publicly flame them. Refer to Rule #3. If you cannot resolve your issue, then please contact the site Admin or LOBO Board President.
If you have any questions regarding the ROEs, please PM any member of site staff who will be able to answer your question.

Vendors & Advertising
  • Any LOBO member in good standing may sell a part or plane in the Classifieds section. Viewing classifieds is free to anyone.
  • Do not cross-post links to commercial sites selling goods and services. This is to keep spam off our forum.
  • Any supporting vendor may also post in the Classifieds section as well as advertise new products in the Vendors section. Supporting Vendors may register either as their “First Last” or as “Company Name”. If a supporting vendor registers as their name, please put the company information in the signature block.
  • Please contact the site Admin to become a supporting vendor.